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The Labyrinth is open to the public from dawn until dusk.

Labyrinths are sacred space. They have existed in every age and faith tradition throughout time as a response to the human need for meditation, healing and connection to God.


There is no right way to walk the labyrinth except to walk with an open heart and an open mind. Step around others as you need to or pause at the turning to let someone pass.


Walking on this path helps quiet and empty the mind. Many walkers find it helpful to think of the journey toward the center as a time to release cares and concerns to become open to the present moment, from which guidance can come. Think of the journey toward the center as a time to release cares and concerns in order to become open to the present moment from which guidance can come.

PURGATION (upon entering)

A releasing and letting go of the details of one’s life; shedding thoughts and emotions; quieting and emptying the mind; setting an intention.


ILLUMINATION (the center)

Pausing for meditation and prayer.

The center can be a place for prayer and reflection, a place to receive what the Spirit has to offer. Walking out on the same path can empower the walker to find and do the work for which the soul is searching.


UNION (upon exiting)

Joining with God, a higher power, or the healing forces in the world; becoming more empowered to find and do the work for which the soul searches.


  • Journal. Spend some time writing down your reflections before and after the labyrinth.

  • Give yourself time. You could spend over an hour and a half walking in the labyrinth. Don't feel like you need to rush.

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If you would like to schedule an event or group walk please contact us below.


Guests are invited to park at "the church next door"

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

177 Princeton-Hightstown Road

Contact The House Next Door

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173 Princeton-Hightstown Road

Princeton Junction, New Jersey, 08550

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© 2024 by The House Next Door.

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